Lightning Protection
Frequently Ask Questions

Do I need lightning protection?

The core purpose of a lightning protection system is to protect against the unacceptable risk of loss of human life…

Do I need surge protection?

Depending on your electric circuitry and systems, it is always prudent to have surge protection…

Do I need to test my lightning protection system?

Lightning protection systems need to be tested and certificated by a competent and qualified person…

Do marquees need lighting protection?

Any structure in an open landscape and being attended by a large number of people should be protected against a possible lightning strike…

Do music festivals have lightning protection?

Most public events are required to have a full risk assessment in order to be granted a license and it is likely that lightning protection would be part of that…

How do I maintain my lightning protection system?

It is strongly advised to seek the services of a professional lightning protection company such as Bacon Group…

How do lightning rods work?

In its simplest form, a lightning rod will carry an electrical charge through the lightning protection system…

How does surge protection work?

With the installation of an overvoltage protection device, it acts as a voltage controlled switch…

How often should a lightning protection system be tested?

It is imperative that all lightning protection systems are inspected and tested at…

How often should eyebolts be tested?

Usual testing periods are 6 months, unless the eyebolts are installed as part of a fall arrest system…

How to protect against lightning strikes?

There are no sure-fire ways of avoiding a lightning strike…

What is a lightning rod?

Basically a conductor to disperse harmful charge from a lightning strike…

What is specialist earthing?

Beyond normal household electrical systems, commercial and larger networks such as substations…

What is surge protection?

Protects against loss of service to an electrical system in the event of a lightning induced overvoltage…

What is lightning protection?

A lightning protection system is installed to capture and disperse the charge from a lightning strike…

How does lightning protection work?

A lightning protection system captures and channels the damaging charge…

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