Lightning Protection Systems Design

A Guide To BSEN 62305, Lightning Protection Systems Design & Industry Standards

BS6551 has now been replaced with a combination of new standards based on the recently introduced CENELEC (European) standards. BSEN 62305 protection against lightning is substantially larger than its predecessor and has been written and compiled by experts from around the world. Containing some 475 pages it is more complex and covers a wider range of issues.

Structure of the New Standard

BS EN 62305 Is a series of publications in four parts, all of which have to be taken into consideration when designing for lightning protection.BS EN6230 (Part 1) General Principles. This is an introduction to the other parts of the standard and covers the General principles involved in the design.

The sources and types of damage that need to be evaluated are clarified together with the types of loss / risk that are possible due to lightning. It defines the relationship between damage and loss that are the basis for the risk assessment calculations in part 2 and also introduces the concepts Lightning Protection Zones (LPZs) and separation distances used when preparing a lightning protection scheme.

The definitions of lightning current parameters are also provided and these used in selection and implementation of protection measures as detailed In parts 3 and 4.BS EN 62305-2 (Part 2) Risk Management. This is significantly more detailed than in previous standards and details the process for determining the risk of lightning damage to structures and their contents.

The results of the risk assessment determine the level of Lightning Protection System (LPS), both internal and external, required.BS EN 62305-3 (Part 3) Physical Damage to Structures and Life Hazard. This part of the new standard relates most closely with BS6651 and deals with the protection measures to be used in and around a structure. It gives guidance on the design of both internal and external Lightning Protection Systems. An external LPS consists of an Air Termination System, a Down Conductor System and an Earth Termination System the parts of which require to be connected by components complying with BS EN 50164 series.

Our Suppliers range of products are tested by Independent testing facilities and comply with the BS-EN 50164 series of standard for the manufacture of lightning protection components. BS EN 62305-4 (Par 4) Electrical and Electronic Systems within Structures. This standard covers the protection of electrical and electronic systems within structures. Using the concept of Lightning Protection Zones (LPZs) it covers the design, installation, maintenance and testing of an LEMP – Lightning Magnetic Impulse Protection system within a structure.

Lightning Protection Components

Previous standards for Lightning Protection recommended the use of specific materials for lightning protection components. Now with the release of BS EN 50164 series of standards the focus is on performance and testing.

This standard consists of the following parts:

BS EN 50164-1:2008 Lightning Protection Components
Requirement for Connection Components

BSEN 50164-2:2008 Lightning Protection Components
Requirement for Conductors and Earth Electrodes

BSEN 50164-3:2008 Lightning Protection Components
Requirement for Isolating Spark Gaps

BSEN 50164-4:2008 Lightning Protection Components
Requirement for Conductor Fasteners

BSEN 50164-5:2008 Lightning Protection Components
Requirement for Earth Electrode Inspection Housing and Earth Electrode Seals

BSEN 50164-6:2008 Lightning Protection Components
Requirement for Lightning Strike Counters

BSEN 50164-7:2008 Lightning Protection Components­
Requirement for Earth Enhancing Compounds

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